i heard from someone that during your lifetime, there would only be a maximum of two "real/true" romantic love that you will experience.. i have thought of that many times before. and somehow, until now, it occasionally crosses my mind when there are barely no thoughts inside my brain cage.. i am still wondering if this is true or not.. because i think that i exceeded the maximum number of persons that i considered to be my real love...
i believe my first real love is a guy from my elementary days... based on what i have experienced from him, i tagged him as my first ever (separate story for the details)... the next one is my first, i mean one and only (until now) girlfriend but we broke up more than 4 years ago and i now settle with guys.. my present real love and hope to be like forever (my first boyfriend after my gf) is the third real love listed and not really having plans for the fourth spot...
actually, this is not a big issue in my life since i really don't care that much about what will make one your true love.. i am happy and contented with my present love like i've never been before.. he is just someone i cannot afford to lose.. he is half of who i am now... we are two souls intertwined in a single organic body.. living and loving each passing day..
what do u think of the real essence of true love?! are there any criteria that would qualify someone in your life to be "the one"?., don't really wanna think about it that much, really..
(Photo from: http://comicsworthreading.com/2008/03/29/real-love/)
since 4 years of age, i am busy doing school stuffs to learn, earn recognition, and achieve academic excellence that would benefit me in the long run.. i don't really know the real essence of romantic-sexual love at that age since i really don't put that much attention other than my education... the first love-like feeling i got to know... and feel... is crush.. having crushes on other human beings...
it is not an issue on my part that at that tender age, i have lots of crushes... like 13 of my pre-elementary education buddies... 7 of them are girls and the remaining are guys... what i thought during those times is that, it is fine to admire both sexes and it is "normal" for other young kids like me to have those feelings too.. so it went on until the first half of my elementary days... i still have crushes, but they decreased in number... yet, they are still boys and girls... as i got older, i got more attracted to boys rather than the counterpart... i even get more "kilig" thinking about boys over girls... i usually daydream about having dates with each of them and enjoy each whole time getting to know things about them boys...
and now, at 20, i still have crushes.... on girls... (1 : 20 ratio) ---> (girls : boys);p
(Photo from: http://www.superstock.com/stock-photos-images/1612R-12206)
awww... kylexy is about to end.. i claim it to be one of my favorite series but i haven't watched atleast one whole season of it... i am not sure of the real reason why it suddenly crashes to an end... i think it's about the US ratings... but my boyfriend told me that he read from a popular blog that matt dallas (kyle) and jonathan bennett (lead male actor on lindsay lohan's mean girls) are seen together a lot of times... rumors about being gay is getting rampant on the internet... i am happy about matt being gay... (i mean, who wouldn't if you are gay)... but at the same time, i still want him to be straight for a lucky woman to have him... (i ain't selfish on this part, ehe)
i hope the "gay issue" is not the reason why it came to an end... and i wish him another great project in the future and more gay news (wishful!),...
(Photo from : http://blogs.grab.com/sproxmysox87/242717)
hey, im back after a month or so... i'll try to post as many as i can daily or oftenly... or if i can, regularly... it's been a tiring, intoxicating semester for me again... nevertheless, this is the semester i love the most as of present...
many thoughts are crossing my mind right now... i don't know if i would list them on a sheet of paper so that i can remember the things i wanna post on this blog... well, anyway, these are some of the topics or happenings in my life that i would likely share in the future:
1. my first crush
2. my first love (on the romantic side of love)
3. additional contributing factors which made me gay (not into labels, ok)
4. about friends (happy times, failures, deception, etc..)
5. my list of crushes (may include real name or description if i don't know the names)
6. happy times
7. saddest times
8. faves and hates
9. lovelife
10. sex (ehe)
and a lot more to come (i hope so...),,,
if i am in the mood, i may post a max of 4 stories a day or none for about a week...
until next time..
(Photo from:http://www.thesharkguys.com/2008/07/11/blogging-20-tips-to-increase-your-readership/)