i believe my first real love is a guy from my elementary days... based on what i have experienced from him, i tagged him as my first ever (separate story for the details)... the next one is my first, i mean one and only (until now) girlfriend but we broke up more than 4 years ago and i now settle with guys.. my present real love and hope to be like forever (my first boyfriend after my gf) is the third real love listed and not really having plans for the fourth spot...
actually, this is not a big issue in my life since i really don't care that much about what will make one your true love.. i am happy and contented with my present love like i've never been before.. he is just someone i cannot afford to lose.. he is half of who i am now... we are two souls intertwined in a single organic body.. living and loving each passing day..
what do u think of the real essence of true love?! are there any criteria that would qualify someone in your life to be "the one"?., don't really wanna think about it that much, really..
(Photo from: http://comicsworthreading.com/2008/03/29/real-love/)
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