awww... kylexy is about to end.. i claim it to be one of my favorite series but i haven't watched atleast one whole season of it... i am not sure of the real reason why it suddenly crashes to an end... i think it's about the US ratings... but my boyfriend told me that he read from a popular blog that matt dallas (kyle) and jonathan bennett (lead male actor on lindsay lohan's mean girls) are seen together a lot of times... rumors about being gay is getting rampant on the internet... i am happy about matt being gay... (i mean, who wouldn't if you are gay)... but at the same time, i still want him to be straight for a lucky woman to have him... (i ain't selfish on this part, ehe)
i hope the "gay issue" is not the reason why it came to an end... and i wish him another great project in the future and more gay news (wishful!),...
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