some of the terms use for gay males may include gay men, faggot, effeminate, shemale and many more while for gay females are lesbian, tomboy, and dyke among others. the word transvestism or cross-dressing can address to both gay males and females.
there are still many labels (both local and international) used to classify the gay people into different groups, according to their degree of "gayness". i, myself, am not a fan of using labels because nowadays, a number of people hide their gender preferences through masquerading the real them.
i believe that sexuality is fluid. we all tend to change our moods at different situations. our reactions at times depends to whom we are talking to. i believe, each and everyone of us, for once, have felt the counter-gender qualities, but some just remained secured with who they really are.
(Photo from: http://www.insidesocal.com/outinhollywood/out-in-music/)
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