he (yes, he is a guy.) is a thin, fair-skinned guy. a year younger than me. he is not really cute but i find him as such. he has a wide mouth. maybe this is a reason for me to like him. we were playmates. we play the usual patintero, hide and seek, marbles, mini card games and the typical filipino kids to play during their childhood. i vaguely remember how it all started. i just knew, being a kid, young and curious, you play with your teenie weenies (dick).
young boys are being circumcised in the philippines at around 7-14 years old (this was just an estimate since i got my prepuce removed at 12) as a preparation to the adolescent stage. one is said to be ready when he can completely push his foreskin back and expose the mushroom-like head of his dick. RJ and i are both uncut during those times. we were having fun on playing with our dicks. playing jokes to those who cannot completely expose their glans penis.
one time, me with two other boys (they are brothers; one of them is a cross-dresser now, i believe the other one is a closet gay),found ourselves playing with RJ with this dick game. i saw that i have the biggest dick among us four. out of boredom, we paired and made our dicks "kiss" each other. that's where it started. this went on for about a year, but on an irregular time interval. we swordfight. hold each other's penises. lie on top of the other. swordfight again. sometime on a standing position.
i think me and RJ had the most contact in the group. we do it alone at times we are bored and got nothing else to play. the other guys don't know about these games between RJ and me. we did a lot of things. i lay on top of him and we swordfight. one time, i was curious about kissing and how would it feel. so with all guts, i asked RJ , "can we kiss?". he said yes, grabbed me and then we kissed. i think that is like doing a French one since we used tongue, eating(?) and licking like everything that touches each one's tongue. that was my very first kiss, i mean other than my mom and family. the very first kiss, which happens to be the most lustful kiss i ever had until i met my boyfriend. his mouth is wide (like that of julia roberts) and i think that made the kissing more uhhh ooohhh. RJ and i do swordfight while kissing on standing and lying positions. we did it in their sala (guests receiving room), in his brother's room, in another room and inside the bathroom. i vaguely remember if we bathe together. but i think it happened. he became my boyfriend (my subconscious mind) and for me he was like my
the month of june came and classes started again. that was the time when "our
i moved on with my life without RJ. but that won't change a single fact. that i am still gay and belong to what i termed "the third-world country". i think RJ went on his way and i believe he is straight before that happened, while it was happening and after it happened until today. he was just at the stage of his life when children are curious and they would like to find out about everything. RJ's cat is still alived. curiousity killed mine.
(Photo from:http://www.jolls.co.uk/html/illustration_.html)
To Kyle,
Sorry for the late reply. We have been lovers for almost 9 years and we're still seeing each other. We made it official summer 2000, before I left Bicol to study college here in Manila. ;p
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