*roneth - she is my partner in one of my cousins wedding.
*jessica - my pre-elementary crush. she has a white skin and a cute smile.
*mariz (not sure of the spelling) - my 1st grade crush. she is the top student in our class.
*jeffer - my neighbor and 2nd grade buddy. we played a lot during our childhood. one experience from him is when he rubbed his dick against my back. that went weird for me. i also went curious. that was nice for a 6 year old kid. wink.
*dana - one of my girl friends. i think she is the prettiest in the group. (not only physical)
*raymond - our elementary school valedictorian. i adore him because he is really intelligent. but i am smarter when it comes to numbers. (geeky;p)
*christian kenneth - i love his chinky eyes (like that of koreans, japanese, and chinese people). but now he is fat and his appeal decreases. still love his eyes, though.
*jerone - this guy is so cute. he is younger than me. his cuteness made me like him. white skin. nice eyes. though just a small guy, until now. but his newly cut teenie-weenie just added flavor to my so-called "one-sided jerone madness". one incident happened (i am not sure of it) that altered destiny and pushed his mom to decide on his son's circumcision. that was the first time i saw a cut dick. and take note, he is younger than me. that's one thing that reconsider my sexuality. gawd.
*jourdan - my first ever love. i am still working on the next part of our love story. i only linked the first post about him. click his name.
those are some of my elementary days crushes. i can't remember the rest but i know they are around 20+ of them. now, i proceed.
*carlo - our high school valedictorian. he is such a cutie. i remember, almost everyone had a crush on him since he possesses this certain appeal. he is my seatmate for the entire high school. my ex jamie even had a crush on her.
*angel - i call him my "bro" (i may post a separate story for him). he became the mr. high school because he is handsome. he and i have the same surname that's why i call him bro. but there is more than that.
*melvin - there is really something special about this guy but i don't know it until today. all i can say is, he is really silent. he is not amiable, but never a war freak. he just don't like socializing that much. he doesn't care about rumors or news at all. but i think he is sensible. i love his skin. and his chin. (grin;D)
*archie - at a certain time, i had a crush on him. the way he treated me i think when we were sophomore students. or maybe it is just my wishful thinking again. ehe
*jayson - he transferred from i think saudi arabia to our school during the sophomore year. he is a dancer. i love his skin. his body built (lean perhaps). i dreamt of him as my boyfriend. he became my superior leader during a military training subject on senior year. he became my friend's love interest.
*bon - a chinito (chinky) guy since he is half-japanese. i love japanese men. we became like close during the junior year. i slept with him (i mean we were together on the same sleeping spot, not sex) when we were sophomore students. he invited me to go to the house of his mother (his parents are separated) in tarlac. i, again, thought that he was my boyfriend and that day is like "i am meeting his mom" and he will officially announce that we are dating. ehe. i still have a crush on him until now.
*joseph - i call him couz (cousin) but our relationship as such is still unproven. his surname is my middle name. he transferred during the junior year from another private school. i had a crush on him because at first, i heard that he is smart. but others say he is like a gossip mongrel. i see my boyfriend on joseph's person. they have the same nose shape, brown skin and they are both tall.
*gayel - he is a college student who is a nephew of our sophomore year instructor. he looks like song seung heon, a korean lead star on one asian novel i watched (click link). i love his eyebrows because they are thick or bushy, ehe
i may add some more and college dudes
(Photo from: http://www.art.com/products/p12045169-sa-i789250/crush.htm)
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