*angela - i call her G. she was first girl i had a crush on when i was in my freshman year in high school. actually, i am a fan of her and raffa's (a classmate) love affair. raffa was courting him then. i do not know if this can actually happen in real life coz it sounds funny. one day, my last class ended and i was about to head home. some of my classmates and i were talking about G and raffa. i uttered a line, which i forgot, and i felt something weird. i imagined this scene: cupid went down from heaven and he strucked my heart with his magic love arrow. my heart began to beat faster. and i can't help but to think of G. after few weeks, G found out that i have a crush on her. i am a shy guy then. we talked on letters. love letters. i still have them on my "sentimental memories compiling box". i even composed poems every other day, and gave them to her. she actually did the same. but not all the time. sometimes, just plain letters. due to tight schedule and school workloads, we decided to answer each letter every after two days. raffa found out about the letter exchanging. we had a conflict. like that of a silent war. raffa and i are now in good terms. G transferred to another school on her sophomore year due to financial issues. before we parted ways, i composed a song about the friendship we shared, the times we were together, the memories we had. G and i got connected again after like 8 years on friendster.
*edz - edz is boyish during highschool. maybe, this is because of her life experiences. i had a crush on her because of that quality. i like girls who are sporty or those who have strong personalities. we are close friends today. she knows about me. she is the only girl in one of my small circle of friends. she has a boyfriend now and looks more girlish than before.
the next part of this post will list down my crushes during the college days of my life.. i'll try to post more next time.
(Photo from: http://thesodagallery.com/blog/?m=200801)
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