as far as my brain can travel back in time, we were classmates since the 2nd grade. we weren't close until we reached the 5th grade. he was part of the "boy group" in our class. he is not the first one that i had a crush on among the members of that group, but he was the first one who captured my heart like he will be my knight in shining armor.
during my intermediate elementary level (that is, from 4th to 6th grade), i belong to a barkada which are all girls. let me count them: lady, han, ann, cris, love, dana, and drei. they are seven and i'm the only guy in that group. the counterpart of this group is his group. its members were jeff, jas, jake, mer and him, jude (his nickname).
it started (sometime in 5th or sixth grade) when some of "my girls" initiated a game and the consequences is to tell everyone (not the whole class, just the GIRL group) who they admire. each revealed their secret crushes and maybe two or three of them had a crush on jude. then my turn came. honestly, i have a crush on jeff and we were romantically close (wishful, only for me) since 2nd grade because we were neighbors and been doing assignments together. his family knows me and i always stay at their house to do homeworks and sometimes play. my feelings for jeff is no longer as deep as it started and faded long before the time that game was played. i've got no one to tell the group. but i know that would be unfair. within a millisecond speed of thinking who i will choose among the other guys, i just blurted out his name without thorough judgment.
since then, my girls teased me, telling stuffs like me and jude are boyfriends. dating. kissing and hugging. and after a little while, jude found out.
(Photo from: http://blacksnob.com/snob_blog/tag/tiger-woods)
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